
Zen Clean Group was founded more than a decade ago with a simple goal of delivering natural cleaning services with positive intentions. Founder, Kevin, was raised in a Buddhist community embracing his family’s philosophy of living with harmony and harnessing the power of nature. This holistic foundation has formed the core essence of the Zen Clean Group.

The Zen Clean Group goal is to free clients of the burden of cleaning their home, simplifying the cleaning processes, and encouraging superior, sustainable and Australian inspired cleaning solutions. The staff are authentic in their work ethic, honest, and are proud supporters of the local community, business partners, and affiliated charities.

Zen Clean Group utilises KOALA ECO products. These are all-natural eco-friendly products which combine high concentrates of pure Australian essential oils with quality plant-derived biodegradable ingredients. KOALA ECO products provide superior antibacterial and cleaning results, even compared with chemical cleaners. The products not only smell fresh and natural, they are safe to use on all surfaces within your home.